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FESPA 2022 德国柏林展 | 观展邀请
FESPA IS COMING!这是一个无与伦比的行业贸易展,参展商可以在此接触到全球行业采购决策者、印刷服务提供商、品牌经理及设计师。Live scene of mysterious printing solution awaiting you on our booth!
FESPA IS COMING! Print-Rite New Materials will attend FESPA Berlin 2022 Hall 4.2 | Stand 4.2-A61 May 31st 疫情持续反复,国内管控严密,加上非必要不出境等防疫政策的实施,今年许多国内本土企业订单均受到不同程度的影响。 With the continued recurrence of the epidemic, tighten export policy in China, and the implementation of epidemic prevention policies such as not leaving the country for non-essential reasons, many Chinese companies' orders have been affected to varying degrees this year. 随着国外疫情趋缓,沉寂了两年的欧洲市场呈现复苏的迹象,疫情当下的FESPA 2022 将在5月31日-6月3日于德国柏林展出。 As the epidemic tends to slow down in Germany, the European market, which has been dormant for two years, shows signs of recovery. FESPA 2022 under the epidemic will be held at May 31st to June 3rd in Berlin, Germany. 作为中国数码喷印STAR SPORTS的行业翘楚,星空体育·(中国)官方网站有着深厚的国外市场积累,客户基础良好,凭借着专业高效的多元化国际销售团队,在复杂的国内外疫情下,依然选择走出国门,带着两年来不断优化升级的产品,到德国柏林参展,做中国数码STAR SPORTS的“孤勇者”! As China's leading digital ink manufacturer, Print-Rite has a huge customer base all over the world and enjoy a good reputation among users. After two years of continuous optimization and upgrading of product, facing the complex domestic and international epidemic. Print-Rite still choose to go abroad with a professional and efficient international sales team, bringing its latest printing solution to Fespa as a “lone ranger” to represent Chinese digital printing ink! 展位信息 Exhibition information FESPA Global Print Expo 地址/Address Messe Berlin GmbH Messedamm 22,14055 Berlin 时间/Time May 31st to June 3rd 摊位号/Booth 4.2 A61 Contact us 联系人Contact: Export Sales Department 邮箱/Email: 珠海市星空体育·(中国)官方网站料股份有限公司 Zhuhai Print-Rite New Materials Corporation Limited 官网/Web: ❖ 展会介绍 Exhibition information FESPA全球印刷博览会为参展商提供一个接触新客户和开发国际业务的机会。这是一个无与伦比的行业贸易展,参展商可以在此接触到全球行业采购决策者、印刷服务提供商、品牌经理及设计师。 FESPA Global Print Expo provides exhibitors with an effective tool to reach new customers and develop international opportunities. It is a unique exhibition where exhibitors can meet key decision makers, print service providers, brand managers and designers. 如何找到我们 Where to find us Floor Map(Booth):Hall 4.2 A61 展位号:4.2 A61 我们的产品 Get to know our product WORLD CLASS DIGITAL INK 1. Digital textile ink • Dye sublimation ink • Reactive/Acid ink • DTG/DTF pigment ink 2. Water based dye/pigment ink for packaging and labeling office and photo printing 3. UV curable ink and Eco-solvent ink for commercial packaging and decor 4. Other digital printing ink for industrial implements 主推产品 Our fist product 01 Dye sub ink on15 phs printers 超高浓15头机热转印STAR SPORTS 02 DTF pigment ink 烫画涂料STAR SPORTS 03 Water based pigment/dye ink 水性颜料、染料STAR SPORTS 04 UV curable ink UV固化STAR SPORTS 我们安排了神秘的打印方案现场展示服务,不要错过! Live scene of mysterious printing solution awaiting you on our booth! Don’t miss them out! 联系人Contact: Export Sales Department 邮箱/Email: 珠海市星空体育·(中国)官方网站料股份有限公司 Zhuhai Print-Rite New Materials Corporation Limited 官网/Web: |